Migration from version 1.x to 2.x

The new Rust code base has a superset of the features of the 1.x version, and it is also about 50x faster (in release builds, about 25x in debug builds).

However, there is some work involved in migrating:

In addition, the following differences are good to know about:

  • The separate shell script to help with adding files is gone, the functionality is now built into the main program (see --help output).
  • For binary installs from GitHub, you can now use a built-in self updater (--upgrade).
  • The regex syntax is different. Previously Python re module was used, now the regex crate for Rust is used. For most simple regular expressions there will be no relevant difference. However, some features (such as back references and look arounds) are not supported.
  • Platform support with precompiled binaries is somewhat limited (compared to everything that Python supports). This is due to what I can build & test and what GitHub CI supports. Pull requests that enable testing and building for more platforms are welcome however (if the tests cannot be executed on GitHub CI, I will not accept it however).


The methods of installation are different. No longer do you need (or should) add this repo as a submodule in your dotfiles repo. Remove that and instead see the installation section in the README.

Modify scripts: Automatic conversion

There is a script that can help if you have standard shaped files (i.e. as created by the old chezmoi_ini_add).

However, it will not handle 100% of the conversion for transforms. The argument list format has changed, as have some of the argument names. See below for more details.

Also, special consideration needs to be taken for the keyring transform.

Modify scripts: Manual conversion

The first line should now be used to invoke chezmoi_modify_manager. It should be one of:

Use this if chezmoi_modify_manager is installed in PATH (recommended):

#!/usr/bin/env chezmoi_modify_manager

Use this if you keep chezmoi_modify_manager in your chezmoi source directory:

#!{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/.utils/chezmoi_modify_manager-{{ .chezmoi.os }}-{{ .chezmoi.arch }}

In addition, the way to specify the source file has changed. The line to specify the source file would now typically look like:

source "{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/{{ .chezmoi.sourceFile | trimSuffix ".tmpl" | replace "modify_" "" }}.src.ini"

Finally, you need to convert the actual ignores and transforms themselves:

-ik key value -> ignore "key" "value"

-is section-name -> ignore section "section-name"

-ikr key-re value-re -> ignore regex "key-re" "value-re"

# Note change of argument order for transforms, the transform name
# now comes after the match.
-tk transform_name key value '{ "arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2" }'
   -> transform "key" "value" transform-name arg1="value1" arg2="value2"

-tkr transform_name key value '{ "arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2" }'
   -> transform regex "key" "value" transform-name arg1="value1" arg2="value2"


Transform arguments have changed. Before they were a JSON object, now they are a series of key="value".

Apart from that, transform names have changed:

  • kde_shortcut -> kde-shortcut
  • unsorted_list -> unsorted-list

Finally, the argument name has changed for keyring: username is now just user.


As stated in the previous section, the argument names have changed.

In addition, because the backend for talking to the platform secret store is different, there can be other incompatibilities. Known ones include:

  • On Linux, KDE KWallet is no longer supported. Only secret stores over DBus SecretService are supported. This means it will likely end up using GNOME's secret store (Seahorse) instead. See the example for konversationrc for how to add the password, if you need to migrate.

Other platforms are untested (since I don't have any of those), but I welcome any feedback to improve this documentation.