Installation & upgrades

It is assumed you already have chezmoi set up and understand the basics of how it works.

  1. To your root .chezmoiignore add: **/*.src.ini. These files should not be checked out into your target directory, but acts as the "source of truth" for the modify script.
  2. Do one of these:
    • Recommended: Install chezmoi_modify_manager into your $PATH. This can be done by one of (in descending order of preference):
      • Using a distro package (if available for what you use)
      • Download the binary from the releases on GitHub and install it somewhere into your PATH.
      • Install from [] using cargo (only do this if you know what you are doing).
    • Not recommended: Install chezmoi_modify_manager from the releases page into <chezmoi-source-directory>/.utils/chezmoi_modify_manager-<os>-<arch> where <os> is typically linux and <arch> is typically x86-64. If you use another path, the template modify script that is added will be wrong.
  3. Run chezmoi_modify_manager --doctor and make sure it reports no major issues with your installation.

Tab completion

Optionally you can install tab completion. The tab completion can be generated using the hidden command line flag --bpaf-complete-style-SHELL_NAME, (e.g. --bpaf-complete-style-zsh, --bpaf-complete-style-bash, ...). As this is handled internally by the command line parsing library we use, please see their documentation for detailed instructions.

For the Arch Linux AUR package, the completions are already installed for you (except for elvish, which doesn't support a global install).


Depending on the installation method:

  • chezmoi_modify_manager --upgrade
  • With your package manager
  • For each OS and architecture, update the file .utils/chezmoi_modify_manager-<os>-<arch>. Note! For executables that you can run (i.e. the native one) you can still use --upgrade to do this.

You are in control of updates. Nothing will happen unless you pass --upgrade. Consider subscribing to be notified of new releases on the GitHub repository. This can be done via Watch -> Custom in the top right corner on that page after logging in to GitHub. Or just remember to check with --upgrade occasionally.