Systemd units

Konfigkoll has special support for enabling and masking systemd units. This simplifies what would otherwise be a bunch of cmds.ln() calls. In particular, it will handle Alias and WantedBy correctly

Enabling units from packages

The basic form is:


This will load the unit file from the package manager and figure out what symlinks needs to be created to enable the unit.

Some units are parameterised, this can be handled by using the name method:


User units can also be enabled. This enables user units globally (/etc/systemd/user), not per-user:


You can skip automatically installing WantedBy symlinks by using:


A similar option is also available for Alias.

Enabling custom units

If you have a unit you install yourself that doesn't come from a package you can do this:

systemd::Unit::from_file("/etc/systemd/system/kdump.service", cmds)?

All the other options described in the previous section are also available for these types of units.


While WantedBy and Alias are handled correctly, Also is not processed, if you want such units you have to add them manually. The reason is that these could come from a different package, and we don't know which one.

We could find out for installed packages, but what if it is from a package that isn't yet installed? This can happen since we build the configuration first, then install packages.