source: How chezmoi_modify_manager finds the data file


chezmoi_modify_manager needs three inputs to work:

  • The modify script with directives (ignores, transforms, etc)
  • The state of the config file in your home directory
  • The source state of the config file.

The first two are provided by chezmoi, no issues. But as far as chezmoi is concerned, the modify script itself is the source state. As such we need an alternative mechanism.


The obvious solution would be a path relative to the modify script. However, chezmoi always copies the modify script to a temporary directory before executing it, even if the modify script isn't templated. So this doesn't work. (It is however used internally in the test suite of chezmoi_modify_manager using source auto-path, which might be relevant if you are working on the chezmoi_modify_manager codebase itself.)

Prior to chezmoi 2.46.1, we had to rely on making the modify script a template, as chezmoi didn't expose enough information to us (see this chezmoi issue for more historical details). Basically we can make chezmoi find the source file for us using the following line:

source "{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/{{ .chezmoi.sourceFile | trimSuffix ".tmpl" | replace "modify_" "" }}.src.ini"

Since chezmoi 2.46.1, chezmoi now provides us with two environment variables:

  • CHEZMOI_SOURCE_DIR: Path to the source directory root
  • CHEZMOI_SOURCE_FILE: Path to our modify script (relative the source directory root)

With these two together we no longer need templating, and the following works:

source auto

What the code does

Since chezmoi_modify_manager 3.1, it will auto-detect the version of chezmoi (based on executing chezmoi --version). This is used for:

  • The template that --add creates to either use the templated source string or the simpler source auto.
  • Interpreting the meaning of --style=auto (default value for style) to either create a templated modify script or a non-templated modify script.

The main benefit of the simpler source auto is that if your modify script doesn't need to be a template for any other reason, it will speed up execution, as chezmoi no longer needs to run its template engine.

Overriding auto detection

Auto-detection has one downside though: What if you use multiple versions of chezmoi (such as an old version from Debian stable on some server but an up-to-date version on your personal computer). In that case you don't want to use the newer syntax for compatibility reasons.

The workaround is to export an environment variable CHEZMOI_MODIFY_MANAGER_ASSUME_CHEZMOI_VERSION set to the oldest version that you use. E.g:


This could be set in your .bashrc/.zshrc/.profile or similar file (the details of how to best set environment variables for a particular platform and shell is out of scope of this documentation).